Art, Drawing, Photography, Jewelry, Metal, Wood, Paint, 3D Animation, Video, Electronics, Etc…

I have been blogging for over 15 years now in other venues and I thought that it was time to post my thought about what has been my main business for over 40 years. I started as a food-wine consultant back in the early 80’s. I was also active in the emerging field of computer graphics and animation at the time and also started to be more and more involved in the IT world as I had trained as a programmer at university. By the dawn of the 90’s I was a full time IT consultant/programmer/graphics/animation specialist. Then the industry changed rapidly with the event of the big Internet crash of the late 90’s and I became a software developer and launch my own line of products. Now I am back where I started and I am a Business/IT/Programmer/Hardware/Robotics/Graphics/Animation/Web/Food/Wine specialist.

Photography is the art in B&W and Color since 1963, and Jewelry, Metal, Wood, Paint of the for Luc.

I know that I am considered as a dinosaur in this business where you are considered old when you hit 40, but there are some of us old fogies at over twice that, that are still active and can still provide a full contribution to this or these fields.


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